Ang Panday

Graphics/Props: 6/10
The GFX weren’t notoriously bad, but they are well away from good. Bagwis, Flavio’s dragon is pretty underdeveloped. Its features were inadequately defined, which makes it really look like a computerized dragon, which is bad. The barrio theme of the venues is okay, although the villages were a bit abnormally squeezed, but otherwise acceptable, and were able to emphasize the Filipino touch of the story. How the enemies die is quite unnatural, especially in the scene where Flavio slashed a couple of goons on his way to Lizardo’s lair, where the enemies were just reduced to ashes with slashes from the magical sword. I mean, I have expected more dramatic acting to make it look painful, but for some reason, my expectations were in vain.
Speaking of the sword, I would like to point out that it looked really fake. It was quite an eyesore; another downfall in the props. Since there are many swords in the film, this brings us to how Lizardo’s men were dressed, and they quite disappointed me. Some of them looked like beggars with old clothing, although the ninja men were a-ok. The scene where Lizardo told his minions to celebrate looked like a rip-off from Lord of the Rings. Lizardo’s scallop-head costume was simply ridiculous. I prefer simpler dresses; more menacing. Look at Lord Voldemort and Joker (whom I think inspired Lizardo’s appearance); they just wear a ragged black robe and a dirty clown costume, respectively, yet the terrifying aura is still there. The costume designers of this movie overdid Lizardo’s outfit, and made the villain laughable, when he’s supposed to be scary.
Other than those, this movie was a manifestation that our country actually improved in graphics designing (Super Inggo’s graphics were evil) and while this is good news, we’ve still got a long way to contend with the stunning graphics produced abroad.
Sound: 7.5/10
The songs aren’t bad at all. Pupil’s song was quite upbeat, although I’m under the impression he’s feeling lazy when he sang. The others were quite decent as well. The sound effects were in the gray area; there were times that the clangs and clashes suit each fight scene, while the others are dull. There aren’t really any points to deliberately criticize here; they were pretty good.
Plot: 3/10
By Jove, now I really wonder why Carlo Caparas came to be a potential National Artist. If the movie was faithful to the comics, then I must say that the plot of the comics was just bad. The story was full of deus ex machina, (Bagwis suddenly arriving to Flavio’s aid even if he didn’t call him, Flavio saving a maiden out of nowhere) its scenes were pretty cluttered, and there were plenty of unexplained details that will leave any sensible viewer plagued with many questions, and will eventually force him/her to think why he/she watched the flick in the first place. Say, why did Lizardo come to life in the first place? Because of that volcanic eruption? If so, what caused the evil emanating from a natural catastrophe? There are lots of questions unanswered that no one bothered to explain, probably due to the classic “Okay na iyan” attitude.
Like, who made all those prophecies about Flavio anyway? Was he/she some stalker? Why will the villain become powerful if he married some girl in full moon? What are the odds that some fairy will come to Flavio’s aid in the middle of nowhere? What is the physics behind the meteor containing magical properties? Why is Lizardo vulnerable with the sword forged from that meteor? What’s with him using his tongue all the time? And why did Flavio’s sword fly out of his hand and stuck itself on some place when he’s in the middle of a battle? Was it being sadistic? I’d be much pleased if someone could give light to these unexplained phenomena.
I certainly missed several questions worth asking, but I wouldn’t want to bore you with too many questions, so yeah. Another thing to point out is that the ridiculous romantic relationships in the film. According to the movie, they just met within a day, and they already “fell in love” with each other, just after some cruise aboard a dragon? Erm, okay. Also, I laughed a bit when the other girl, played by Rhian Ramos, black-mailed Flavio unto who will wash his clothes, when Flavio wore his red vest and pants since forever.
Long story short, the plot was like a sponge; full of holes which represent unknown details that somehow managed to be included in the story. The story was just a typical hero story, and that would’ve been okay already if the staff haven’t impregnated it with scenes that are insufficiently elaborated.
What I didn’t like about the acting is that there are lots of excess dialogues, and they tend to exaggerate their speeches to appear wise, which is, frankly, quite ineffective. Those two mutes/retards are very irritating. Flavio’s foster grandfather’s acting was just plain weird, especially when he went sentimental after the village was recently attacked, to the point that I was closer to laughing than symphatizing. The scene where Flavio repeatedly shouted “Lizardo!” was pretty funny as well. However, Lizardo’s character is the most ridiculous. As far as I know, he is the Son of the Devil. If so, then I believe a silent and calm personality would fit Lizardo much better; more antagonism guaranteed. My jaws dropped from disbelief as I watched Lizardo dance around and act like a clown. I’m sorry to say, although I appreciate the efforts, Philip Salvador wasn’t able to contend with the Joker from The Dark Knight. Even those silly laughs didn’t help boost his supposed-to-be-evil character. He seemed more like a mentally challenged person than the Son of the Devil, and that’s really sad.
Thrill Factor: 6/10
Well, I must admit that the scene where Flavio and the gang battled Lizardo’s minions was pretty nice, especially when Flavio seemed to cast Magnum Break against the goons, but the rest I just cannot take seriously. I didn’t even feel what I’m supposed to feel when I watch Lizardo kill his captives. The fight scenes lacked the fighting spirit and needs a wider variety of moves than just the typical “enemy punch-parry-hero punch-enemy down” fight scene.
Rewind Factor: 5/10
If you want to be plagued by those questions I mentioned earlier again, or have a good laugh, then I guess it won’t hurt if you watch the movie once more, I guess.
Overall: 4/10
This movie literally “hammered” my mind. I’m still trying to rekindle my hope for the progress of Filipino movies, and I’m still waiting for the time when our movie-makers stop recycling old, movies with generic plots and start being more innovative. That is all.
P.S: I’ll try to make a review of Wapakman, if I still have some courage left.
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